
The Yukon Human Rights Act (YHRA) makes it an offence to discriminate in employment (and any aspect of employment), goods and services, housing, tenancy, unionization, professional association and government contracts.

The Yukon Human Rights Commission (Commission) has a mandate to educate the public, promote the principles of the Charter, resolve complaints of discrimination, and conduct research on the principle of equal pay for work of equal value.

The Yukon Human Rights Panel of Adjudicators (Tribunal) is an independent body of the Commission and the Yukon Government that receives complaints referred to it by the Commission.

What are the prohibited grounds of discrimination? Ancestry, including colour and race;  national origin; ethnic or linguistic background or origin; religion or creed, or religious belief, religious association, or religious  activity;  age;  sex, including pregnancy, and pregnancy related conditions; sexual orientation; physical or mental disability;  criminal charges or criminal record;  political belief, political association, or political activity;  marital or family status;  source of income; actual or presumed association with other individuals or groups whose identity or membership is determined by any of the grounds listed above.

What are the deadlines for filing a complaint? The complaint must be filed with the Commission within 18 months of the time the discrimination occurred. The Commission may extend the time limit in certain cases if the cause of the delay is bona fide and does not prejudice the person complained of or others involved.

What is the procedure? The complaint goes through an intake process and then an investigation by the Commission. If the complaint is found to have merit, the Commission will first encourage voluntary mediation, before referring the matter to the Tribunal for a hearing.

How do I file a complaint? You will need to speak with a Commission officer before you can begin the complaint process (write to info@yukonhumanrights.ca, or call 867-667-6226, or, toll-free in the Yukon, 1-800-661-0408 ext. 6226, or send a fax to 867-667-2662).

What compensation can you get? The Tribunal can order the respondent to stop the discrimination; pay damages to the victim for any harm suffered by the victim and for malice (if applicable).

This content has been updated on 4 March 2023 at 10 h 59 min.